Saturday, 3 March 2007

Spring is in the Air

The time has flown past again. I have been busy replacing all the name labels on the pens so that the different breeds can be recognised. The main problem with the signs is that the Muscovy ducks perch on them and tear them. We have overcome the problem with the signs fading but the damage to the signs is difficult to avoid. I have used card for the signs and thicker laminating plastic. Time will tell if it solves the problem.
The sheep have started lambing and we have several young portlands around. Not so much luck with the goats though. We had one kid overnight with triplets but unfortunately she was not a very good mum and the difficult birth meant that they weren't strong enough to survive. Shannon however has just kidded with twins and so far they are doing well. One of the Bagots also kidded with a little girl. One of the Irish Moiled cows has calved . It is a bull calf so we probably wont keep it.
The chickens are also coming into lay and we will be selling hatching eggs shortly once we have bred our own replacements.
We now stock MS incubators and the one we have been using as a demo worked very well and is now full of chicks.

A few weeks ago our old dog died and we got a new one from the Dogs Trust. His name is Larry. He has settled in very well .He doesn't chase the chickens but he is very boisterous and loopy so the cats have left home and have taken up residence in the barn just appearing at feed time.

We are also getting ready for Easter with all the new gifts we bought at the gift fair coming in now. They are not yet in the online catalogue but they can be bought through the shop. We have some chicken and duck watering cans that have been handmade in India and also new doorstops and Rocking Roosters . We also have a large number of different designs of luncheon serviettes ready for your Easter tea or Hen Party. Telephone 44(0)1386 833083 for more details
The pictures below show the watering cans. Some of the kitchen ware and the Rocking Roosters.

We have also had a delivery of the New Batch of Bluebells, Sussex Stars and Amber Stars so we have plenty of laying pullets in stock. They are selling fast so come early if you don't want to be disappointed

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