Saturday, 13 January 2007

Black Rocks

At last the new batch of Black Rock hybrids has arrived and the birds are now available for sale. For those who don't know, the Black Rock is a variety of hen which has been bred for hardiness to live outdoors on a free range system and still produce a large number of eggs.

It is a Sex-linked hybrid bred by crossing good egg-laying strains of the Rhode Island Red and Barred Plymouth Rock. This means the male and female chicks are different colours at birth so can be identified.

The Black Rock is very resistant to disease and has thick feathers to keep it well insulated in cold weather. They lay brown eggs . They are also very docile so make good pets for children. As I said we now have the birds in stock if you are looking to buy and we should have them available each month from now on. Unfortunately we are unable to ship birds so you will need to come and visit us at Honeybourne to choose your own and take them home with you.

The not so good news is the weather we have had a lot of rain and wind recently and in the latest storms the field shelter in Princess's paddock blew away leaving her Homeless. Luckily I had just finished re fencing Gertie's ( the Pig ) old pen so Princess moved in there. Princess is our little white Rhea. We call her Princess but that is a bit wishful thinking she may be a Prince. We won't know until she/he starts breeding. That should be this year so I will keep you posted.

This picture is actually of Princess when we first got her. She is a bit bigger than this now. I can't show you a picture of her demolished shed because my camera is sick and has gone to be mended. Until it comes back I will have to use some of my old photos.

Let me know if you have any news you want to share or send me some photos of your hens. We sell lots of hatching eggs and chicks but I don't see them grown up.

Hopefully those of you who are supporters of the Domestic Fowl Trust will have received their newsletters this week. Apologies for the fact that some of it is repeated in the Blog but I know not everyone is on line. It costs £12.50 to be an adult supporter of the Domestic Fowl Trust which gives you three newsletters a year plus two free visits to the Trust or £20.00 for an adult season ticket for which you get the newsletters and unlimited visits to the farm park. All the money raised goes towards the upkeep of the birds and in this case to help rebuild a new field shelter. Volunteers with carpentry skills would also be welcome . telephone 44 (0) 1386 833083 or e-mail to if you are interested in helping us.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I'd like to ask a question not related to your post.

I have never kept hens but would like to start this year.

I like cream legbars, my son likes orpingtons - both I think attractive birds but I have just read about adopting rescued battery hens and wonder if on the pro's and cons?

any tips would be gratefully recieved