Saturday, 5 May 2007

Poultry Keeping courses

The first poultry keeping course was run in March and went very well although some of the people booked were unable to get there because of the fog. The itinerary for the day was as follows
Poultry Keeping Course

10.00am Coffee and registration
10.15am Introduction and origin of Fowl
10.30 Housing –Including disinfection and Bio-security

11.15 Coffee

11.30 Choosing your birds- choice of breeds and signs of good health.
12.00 The laying hen – How the system works and what she needs.
12.30 Feeding and feed supplements
1.00 The most common ailments - What to do.

1.30 Lunch

2.15 Practical- catching and handling, routine jobs,
nail clipping, beak clipping. Etc.

3.15 Tea

The next course will be on the 22nd May it will run to the same format except that we will be adding an optional tour of the park at the end of the day for those who want to see more. We are keeping the cost of the course to £50.00 per person so that it is accessible to everybody.
There are still one or two places on the next course if you want to book. The booking forms will be available on the web site shortley but until then just telephone 01386 833083 to book your place.

Since my last blog we are pleased to welcome Peter to the Trust he has volunteered to help renovate some of the poultry houses which are looking the worse for wear after several years of use. We are very grateful for his expertise.